PMs create successful products — one that is valuable, viable, and feasible.

Few jobs are as challenging. The job is described as a “founder within the company,” as there are so many parts to balance in order to succeed.

Stages of Product Development

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  1. Define (& maintain) the vision. Determine the product’s long-term goals.
  2. Manage product goals, and layer on goal specificity as the product matures.
  3. Build intelligence. Analyze the user, business, competition, and industry to gain insights for developing strategies.
  4. Define the user & opportunities. Visualize the customer, and why it matters for them.
  5. Ideate strategies & solutions. Generate viable, feasible, and valuable solutions for the user, and ensure they fit within a strategic frameworks.
  6. Validate with real users. MVP or not, put your solution into the field and test for problem-solution fit.
  7. Define measurable metrics so teams maintain alignment on key figures.
  8. Design the roadmap to communicate with stakeholders, executives, peers, and your team.
  9. Structure delivery by prioritizing tickets and managing a backlog.
  10. Manage the day-to-day with scrums, sprints, time-boxing, stand-ups, and more.


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Visions, Goals, & Metrics for Success