When you’ve got many ideas to work on at once, you need to strategically manage process and time. The best way to do that is with effective prioritization.

Consider: given the timeline, budget, and stakeholder pressures, what makes sense to be accomplished first, and which items are best left to the end?

There are many ways of prioritizing. Here are some of them.

Part 1: Prioritization Techniques

Prioritization Techniques

Part 2: Prioritization Workflow

I typically use several techniques in this order:

  1. Use value-effort matrix to bucket ideas/features into quick-wins or long-term
  2. Use Kano Model to identify key user-satisfaction ideas/features
  3. Use RICE scoring to consolidate the above ideas and reflect in numbers

Part 3: Convert into a Backlog

By definition, a backlog is an ordered list of everything that is known to be needed in the product.

It contains anything from: